The Golden Gate Saloon at the newly restored Holbrooke Hotel is a favorite of ours. The artful remodel is well- crafted with every detail. The restaurant is open everyday of the week, even Monday nights when many in Grass Valley are closed. Since Monday is the night we go out and the Holbrooke hotel is within walking distance of our home in Grass Valley, Ca it is likely that we end up at the Golden Gate more than not. They have a beautiful bar with copper-lined walls and echoes of the past. The menu of alcoholic and non-alcoholic cocktails is superb and creative. The menu features many dishes using local Nevada County ingredients from local farms and mills, including Early Bird Farm and Mill. The hotel offers specials to local Nevada County residents. It is also a wonderful choice if you are looking to stay somewhere local while you are looking for a house or property in Grass Valley, Nevada City and the surrounding areas. Let me know if you check it out!
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